
Kim Penfold

Kim was a Director of a large UK not-for-profit registered social landlord (RSL) – Harvest Housing Group – for nineteen years.  He led the majority of growth projects and the Group grew from 3,000 to 18,000 homes in that period.  Kim’s projects included three large scale voluntary stock transfers (LSVTs), two housing PFIs, and two housing association mergers.  Kim also made major contributions to the Group’s internal development, particularly with work on the Corporate Plan, Investors in People, Equality & Diversity, and Environmental Strategy.

Kim previously worked for nine years in the Chief Executive’s Department at Manchester City Council where he led a co-ordination and resource procurement team responsible for the Council’s Capital Programme, Urban Programme, Housing Investment Programme, and European funding.

Kim had originally trained as a planner and worked for Lancashire County Council and Salford City Council in planning roles.

Much of Kim’s work in both local government and the not-for-profit sector was concerned with improving people’s housing conditions and putting right mistakes made in the past.

Kim’s consultancy assignments have included environmental scanning services for UK housing associations and planning casework for the Chief Town Planner in Barbados (writing reports on cases referred to the Minister and on appeals, and giving evidence at hearings).  Jointly with Sandy Penfold, he carried out full process review of the systems for Ministerial decisions and appeals and recommended improvements.  Kim was also a member of the small consultancy team responsible for reform of town planning legislation in Barbados which resulted in the Planning and Development Act 2019.

Working in a voluntary capacity, Kim has been Secretary of the Barbados Town Planning Society and represented BTPS as a Vice President of the Commonwealth Association of Planners.

Kim was educated at Cambridge, Sheffield and Manchester Metropolitan Universities with qualifications in Geography, Law, and Town Planning.  He is a Chartered Town Planner.

Click here to view Kim’s CV